Package com.atgenomix.seqslab.piper.plugin.api
package com.atgenomix.seqslab.piper.plugin.api
ClassDescriptionThe main interface responsible for representing an accessible data source in SeqsLab.An operator that processes Spark DataFrame and produces a new DataFrame.An object used in pipeline operations to represent a persistent set of properties, inputs, and outputs.The base contract interface for SeqsLab operator pipeline v3.An interface represents a complete configuration of workflow task including input parameters, dataset connection, as well as localization, computation, and delocalization workload processes.An interface represents the localization, computation, and delocalization workload processes in a pipeline task of a given variable identified by FQN (Fully Qualified Name).An object used in all operations of a workflow task execution.A plugin that can be dynamically loaded into a SeqsLab piper application.An interface represents value of primitive types, e.g.Concrete types of all supported workflow parametersAn object returned when initializing this SeqsLab piper.