All Classes and Interfaces

The operator responsible for retrieving command outputs from local file system and returning a DataFrame.
Factory object responsible for creating Collector operators.
The main interface responsible for representing an accessible data source in SeqsLab.
An API intended for developers.
Indicates the computing resource requirements, types of workload and pipeline structures that an operator supports.
Indicates the computing resource requirements, types of workload and pipeline structures that an operator supports.
The operator responsible for preprocessing (localizing) input dataframe as a managed table for Spark SQL command or saving to local files for shell script execution.
Factory object responsible for creating Executor operators.
An annotation indicates pipeline operator features that will be checked and invoked after calling operator function.
An annotation indicates pipeline operator features that will be checked and invoked prior to calling operator function.
An operator responsible for formatting input datasets, such as converting schema, adding or deleting columns, and encoding domain specific object.
Factory object responsible for creating Formatter operators.
The operator responsible for loading (reading) a dataset into in-memory DataFrame or copying to local host file system from a specific data source, e.g.
Factory object responsible for creating Loader operators.
An operator that processes Spark DataFrame and produces a new DataFrame.
An object used in pipeline operations to represent a persistent set of properties, inputs, and outputs.
The base contract interface for SeqsLab operator pipeline v3.
An interface represents a complete configuration of workflow task including input parameters, dataset connection, as well as localization, computation, and delocalization workload processes.
An interface represents the localization, computation, and delocalization workload processes in a pipeline task of a given variable identified by FQN (Fully Qualified Name).
An object used in all operations of a workflow task execution.
A plugin that can be dynamically loaded into a SeqsLab piper application.
An interface represents value of primitive types, e.g.
Concrete types of all supported workflow parameters
An object returned when initializing this SeqsLab piper.
A mix-in interface for Collector.
A mix-in interface for Loader.
A mix-in interface for Executor.
A mix-in interface for Transformer.
A mix-in interface for Loader.
A mix-in interface for Transformer.
A mix-in interface for Loader.
A mix-in interface for Collector.
The mix-in interface for Writer.
The mix-in interface for Writer.
The mix-in interface for Writer.
A mix-in interface for Loader.
A mix-in interface for Executor.
A mix-in interface for Formatter.
A mix-in interface for Formatter.
A mix-in interface for Formatter.
A mix-in interface for Formatter.
A mix-in interface for Formatter.
The operator responsible for repartitioning, and additionally sorting, DataFrames loaded by Loader to optimize downstream data processing.
Factory object responsible for creating Transformer operators.
The operator responsible for delocalizing/saving command output DataFrame to storage or repositories, e.g.
Factory object responsible for creating Writer operators.